6 quotes from local plumbers with 1 request

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Efe M. T., Ibadan

Plumbing is really not my thing and I'm glad to have found a great plumber thanks to your service. Mr. Taye arrived quickly and done all the necessary repairs for a reasonable price. I'll contact him again when I need a plumber.

Ade U., Ajah, Lagos

The plumbing company I chose via procompare.ng (they had great recommendations) didn't disappoint! They finished the complete plumbing installation in my new house in just 3 days. Reliable, quick, skilled and well priced.

Ovie Z., Ogudu, Lagos

Extremely pleased with plumbing work carried out by your plumber. He was punctual, efficient, and very friendly, too. No issues at all. I'm a happy customer :)

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